From kibble to treats to raw meat and more, there are numerous options for satisfying your dog’s appetite. But which options provide the best big dog diet? What does a Presa Canario eat? Or, more importantly, what should a Presa eat? Use the following tips from vets to create a healthy big dog diet for your four-legged friend.
Nutrients, not ingredients
Plant-based, meat-based, raw, dry—whatever you choose for your pet’s meals, consider the nutrient value rather than the ingredients. Make sure the diet provides adequate nutrients for healthy growth, activity and preventative care.
Fresh vs. processed
We’ve learned that processed foods aren’t the best choice for humans. This rule applies to the furry members of the family too. When a big dog diet consists of highly processed foods, the dog is more likely to experience arthritis, bowel disease, liver issues and other problems. For healthier options, look for foods that have not undergone an extrusion process and have not been cooked at high heat (processed).
Wet vs. dry
Dry food is typically more economical and more convenient. However, wet canned food makes a better big dog diet. Your pet will get more of the nutrients he needs from wet food, due to its higher moisture and protein contents. In the long run, Presa Canario ownership may cost less even if you buy the more expensive wet food, because it might reduce veterinary costs.
Veggies anyone?
If you prefer dry food for your big dog diet, consider adding fresh vegetables to the menu. Fruit can be beneficial as well. Supplementing dry food with fruits and veggies can help provide the nutrients your dog needs. Keep in mind that not all fruits and veggies are dog-friendly. For example, dogs should not eat grapes, avocadoes or onions. Contact your local vet to get a list of acceptable fruits and veggies for a big dog diet.
Grains or no grains?
You may hear that grain-free is the way to go for big dog diets. Too many grains (carbohydrates) can lead to pet obesity, so many pet owners are cutting out these ingredients. However, grains can provide fiber, which helps your dog’s digestion. Due to the potential benefits and risks, some vets recommend a low-grain diet rather than a grain-free diet.
Age and life stage
What does a Presa eat? That depends on her age. If she is still in puppyhood, she needs different food than she will need as a senior dog. Make sure you’re providing food that is appropriate for your dog’s current life stage.
Learn more
For more tips on Presa Canario ownership, contact D&G Kennels. Our goal is to improve and highlight the virtues of the Presa Canario breed. We deal solely in imports, with regular trips to the Canary Islands to select our breeding stock. For over 20 years, we’ve put our time and passion into these dogs, and our kennel is one of only a handful of breeders that’s been working with the breed for so long. We’re happy to take appointments for kennel visits, so give us a call today!